2022 Show Results

Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
1South Devon steer or heifer pure bred
Sponsored by Cornish Mutual
RA Rundle
Kestle Buttercup 152
PS & AP Rowe
PS & AP Rowe
Tik Tok
2Any pure or cross bred steer or heifer 100% British native breeding, excluding pure bred South Devon.
Sponsored by Barclays Bank PLC & Philip Martin Estate Agent
No entries
3Any cross bred steer or heifer sired by a British native breed.
Sponsored by Cornwall Farm Machinery
AMC Eddy
RA, CA & CR Symons
Red October
Gail Ellis
Winnie the Moo
4Any pure or cross bred steer sired by non British native breed
Sponsored by Carter Jonas LLP
O & C Penellum
AMC Eddy
5AAny pure or cross bred heifer, excluding pure bred South Devon - Section A
Sponsored by Graham Smith Chartered Accountants
O & C Penellum
Clare Withers
Simply Red
Clare Withers
5BAny pure or cross bred heifer, excluding pure bred South Devon - Section B
Sponsored by Graham Smith Chartered Accountants
P & L Calcraft
O & C Penellum
AMC Eddy
Maple Syrup
6Best steer or heifer - never won 1st prize at Truro before
Sponsored by SC Nutrition Ltd
RA Rundle
Kestle Buttercup 152
PS & AP Rowe
Tim Eustice
Trevowah William
7Best pair of cattle of any breed or cross.
Sponsored by Savills & Mr James Williams
O & C Penellum PS & AP RoweAMC Eddy
8Best Local steer or heifer (Exhibitor bred)
Sponsored by Stephens Scown LLP
Simon & Tracy Penellum
Proper Cornish
RA Rundle
Kestle Buttercup 152
P Kingsdon & Sons
9Best Local steer or heifer (Non exhibitor bred)
Sponsored by NFU Mutual
O & C Penellum
O & C Penellum
C Withers
Simply Red
Supreme Champion
Sponsored by The Nare Hotel
P & L Calcraft
Reserve Champion
Sponsored by Hamblys Ltd
O & C Penellum
Local Champion
Sponsored by Lodge & Thomas
O & C Penellum
Reserve Local Champion
Sponsored by R.J. Trevarthen Ltd
O & C Penellum
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
10Best pen of 2 lambs of any weight or breed. Market ready - no show trimming, colouring or washing allowed
Sponsored by Coast2Coast Farm Vets
Mrs G RenfreePJ GryllsMrs G Renfree
11The best single butchers lamb, any breed, any weight
Sponsored by Mole Valley Farmers
Mrs G RenfreeP & L Calcraft Mrs G Renfree
12Pair of butchers lambs - 42kgs & under
Sponsored by Meadowside Nursery
Mrs G RenfreeP & L CalcraftMrs G Renfree
13Pair of butchers lambs - 42.1kgs to 48kgs
Sponsored by Mr Richard Thomas
P & L Calcraft A & S PayneT Cobbledick
14Pair of butchers lambs - 48.1kgs and over
Sponsored by Wynnstay
P & L Calcraft Mrs G RenfreeGW & DM Tucker
Supreme Champion Pair of Lambs
Sponsored by JC Harfoot Machinery & Rosettes of Quality
Mrs G Renfree
Reserve Champion Pair of Lambs
Sponsored by Hutchinsons Ltd
P & L Calcraft
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
15Best Single Dressed Lamb Carcass - Sired by a British native breed -
Sponsored by Crediton Milling
A KingdonMrs G RenfreeStewart Ward
16ABest Single Dressed Lamb Carcass - Sired by a Continental breed - Section A -
Sponsored by Harpers Home Mix Ltd
Mrs G RenfreeCHP Powell & SonsCHP Powell & Sons
16BBest Single Dressed Lamb Carcass - Sired by a Continental breed - Section B -
Sponsored by Harpers Home Mix Ltd
Bob Coad Stewart Ward
Champion Lamb CarcassMrs G Renfree
Reserve Champion Lamb CarcassA Kingdon
Sponsored by Truro Farm Machinery
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
17Best meadow hayStewart Ward Mr M Osborne Tom Tremain - St Columb YFC
18Best seeds hayNo entries
19Best sample of baled grass silageTom Tremain - St Columb YFCStewart Ward CJ & PH George
20Best sample of clamp grass silageCJ & PH George David Nicholls James Thomas
21Best sample of maize silageCJ & PH George James Thomas John Heller
22Best sample of whole crop silageJames Thomas
Sponsored by Yara UK Ltd
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
23WheatDan Martyn - St Columb YFCJed Tinney Stewart Ward
24OatsStewart Ward Oliver Sawle
25Barley (Winter)Stewart Ward David Nicholls Dan Martyn - St Columb YFC
26Barley (Spring)Jacob Old - St Columb YFC Mr M Osborne Jed Tinney
27Field Peas or Beans or LupinsStewart Ward
28Oilseed RapeNo entries
29A Harvest Sheaf of Corn (any type of grain)Stewart Ward Stewart Ward
30A Wafer of Straw Stewart Ward Dan Nattle
Sponsored by Alan Snow Agricultural Engineers
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
31Three Mangolds (Globe or Intermediate)Mr M Osborne
32Heaviest MangoldNo entries
33Three SwedesMr M Osborne
34Heaviest SwedeNo entries
35Three Fodder BeetStewart Ward Mr M Osborne
36Heaviest Fodder BeetStewart Ward
373 Stems of KaleRobert Prowse
Sponsored by Agricultural Central Trading
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
382 Heads CauliflowerMeadowside Nursery R Collins & Sons Southern England Farms Ltd
39Supermarket Face Pack of Cauliflower (x8)Meadowside Nursery Riviera Produce R Collins & Sons
402 Savoy CabbagesSouthern England Farms Ltd P Kingdon & Sons Riviera Produce
412 Heads of Pointed CabbagesSouthern England Farms Ltd
422 Stems of Curly KaleSouthern England Farms Ltd Riviera ProduceMeadowside Nursery
432 Stems Brussel SproutsMeadowside Nursery
44Five White Potatoes (Any variety)No entries
45Five Coloured Potatoes (Any variety)No entries
46Heaviest PotatoPeter Thomas
47A collection of assorted vegetables in cardboard box approx 23" x 15" Meadowside Nursery The Real Food GardenR Collins & Sons
48A 'Novelty' Naturally Shaped VegetableNo entries
Sponsored by Aqua Source (SW) Ltd
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
49Three White Potatoes - any varietyClarence ThomasSandra Ward
50Three Coloured Potatoes - any varietyClarence ThomasSandra Ward
51Nine Potatoes in three varieties, namedClarence ThomasSandra Ward
52Best Three OnionsClarence ThomasCedric Thomas
53Best Three CarrotsClarence ThomasSandra Ward
54Best Six ShallotsClarence Thomas
55Best Three Leeks (tops & roots untrimmed)Jayne Spenceley Sandra Ward
56Best Three BeetrootClarence Thomas
57Best Three ParsnipsSandra Ward Clarence Thomas
58Heaviest Quality OnionClarence Thomas
59Best MarrowClarence ThomasSandra Ward
60Best PumpkinNo entries
61Heaviest PumpkinNo entries
62Five Fronds of ParsleyClarence ThomasMargaret ChegwiddenJayne Spenceley
Sponsored by Mr & Mrs Roger Trethewy
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
63Dish of 3 Culinary ApplesClarence Thomas
64Dish of 3 Dessert ApplesM.O. Moore Armorel Carlyon
Sponsored by Mr & Mrs Peter Thomas
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
653 Large Dark BrownRoger Thomas Jennifer Colton Armorel Carlyon
663 Large WhiteRoger Thomas
673 Large Light BrownRoger Thomas Jennifer Colton Armorel Carlyon
683 Large AOCRoger Thomas
693 Bantam Dark BrownRoger Thomas
703 Bantam WhiteNo entries
713 Bantam Light BrownNo entries
723 Bantam AOCNo entries
731 Supreme LargeRoger Thomas Jennifer Colton
741 Supreme BantamRoger Thomas
753 WaterfowlRoger Thomas
761 Hen's Egg, contents onlyJennifer ColtonArmorel CarlyonRoger Thomas
Sponsored by Mrs Armorel Carlyon
Class NoClass Name 1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
77Four White Splits (joined)Rachel Carbis Mrs BM ChapmanGeorgina Stephens
78Four Yeast Buns Margaret Chegwidden Georgina Stephens Mrs BM Chapman
79Cornish Heavy Cake Emily Tozer - Roche YFCMrs BM ChapmanMary Dale
80Cornish Pasty Mrs M Higgins Margaret Chegwidden Emily Tozer - Roche YFC
81Four Cornish Ginger Fairings Georgina Stephens Emma Harris Bonnie Old
82Four Mince Pies - shortcrust pastry Bonnie Old Jane Parker Georgina Stephens
83A Shortbread RoundElizabeth Moore Shirley Trewin - Bodmin Gaolbirds WIPenny Hope - Truro Evening WI
84Victoria Sandwich, raspberry jam filled Emily Tozer - Roche YFC Bonnie Old Mary Dale
85Four Cheese Scones Mrs M Higgins Helen AndersonElizabeth Moore
86An Iced Christmas Cake (not to be cut)Rosemary Williams - Truro Evening WIHelen Anderson
87Boiled Fruit Cake - Set recipe Mary Dale Jayne Sinclair Emma Harris
88A Egg & Bacon Pie (YFC members only)Bradley Trewin - Roche YFCEmily Tozer - Roche YFCCait Wilmington - St Columb YFC
89Four Christmas Decorated Cup cakes (YFC members only)Emily Tozer - Roche YFC Bradley Trewin - Roche YFC
90Cornish Pasty approx 7" long (YFC members only)Emily Tozer - Roche YFC
91Four Decorated Digestive (bought) Biscuits - Childrens class - Age 4-7 yearsGrace Harris Florence Old Stanley Harris
92Four Christmas Decorated Cupcakes - Childrens class - Age 8-11 years Isla ThomasCharlotte Selley Lorna Harris
93Four Christmas Decorated Cupcakes - Childrens class - Age 12-16 years No entries
Sponsored by Mr Trevor Burley
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
94Jar of MincemeatSuzanne MitchellJane Parker Rachel Selley
95Jar of JellyAndrew Parker Suzanne MitchellMrs J Osborne
96Jar of MarmaladeJayne Sinclair Mary Dale Mrs J Osborne
97Jar of JamSuzanne MitchellGeorgina Stephens Mary Dale
98Jar of Lemon CurdPenny Hope - Truro Evening WI M Collenette Helen Anderson
99Jar of ChutneyShirley Anderson Jane Parker Shirley Trewin - Bodmin Gaolbirds WI
100Jar of Jam (Novice Class)No entries
101Homemade Liqueur suitable for hipflaskPeter Davies Emma Harris Barbara Cackett
Sponsored by Mr David Pooley
Class No Class Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
102Colour photograph 'Bees'Clare Grigg Roger Tolliday Judith Withers
103Reflections Judith Withers Roger Tolliday Emily Tozer - Roche YFC
104Over the gateArmorel CarlyonAnnabel JonesEmily Tozer - Roche YFC
105Two's Company Samantha Shearing Roger Tolliday Annabel Jones
106Favourite Animal - Children's class Age 11-16Leo Parker Molly SawleFredrick Wearne
Sponsored by Truro City Council
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
107An arrangement in a cup & saucer depicting the Platinum Jubilee Jill Opie Brenda Phillips
108A Table Arrangement depicting a Cornish Christmas Jill Opie Mrs J Osborne
109A Fresh Christmas WreathRachel Selley Mrs M Higgins Margaret Hall
Sponsored by Mr & Mrs Philip Pryor
Class No Class Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
110Woodcarving - A SculptureNo entries
111Woodcarving - A ReliefNo entries
112Wood - Turned ArticleNo entries
113A Hand Embroidered ItemWendy McCullochKarlene Stokes Caroline Stone
114An Item Made Out of Felt Caroline StoneArmorel Carlyon Shannagh Clemens - St Columb YFC
115A Knitted Toy Wendy McCullochAmanda Harvey - Truro Evening WI Julia Simpson
116A Christmas Card Wendy McCullochMargaret Hall Frances Meredith
117An Item Made from Clay Karlene Stokes
118'Promoting Cornish Wool' - Something Out of NothingJenn Miles Anne Williams Rachel Revell
119A Homemade Cushion (YFC members only)Shannagh Clemens - St Columb YFC
120A Homemade Bird Box (YFC Members only)Bradley Trewin - Roche YFCEmily Tozer - Roche YFC
Sponsored by Mr & Mrs Paul Vage
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
121A Decorated Egg Box - 6 eggs (Year R/1/2)Stanley Harris Grace Harris
122An Item made from a Recycled Plastic Bottle (Year 3/4)Lorna Harris
123A Decorated Homemade Christmas Cracker (Year 5/6)Isla Thomas Charlie Sawle