Show sections
The Livestock Section is the big attraction of this popular Christmas Show and Cattle and Sheep exhibitors travel the length and breadth of Cornwall, and often from over the Tamar in West Devon, to show off their excellent quality stock. Each year the Show is full to the marquee’s capacity with about 30 tethered cattle and 50 lambs with judging taking place throughout the morning. The judges have always remarked on the outstanding quality of the stock on show.
The Truro Show is unique in the county in that it is the only Christmas Primestock Show to auction its show animals. At 2.30pm the Show Ring is packed with buyers and spectators for the grand auction of cattle and sheep which is conducted each year by Truro Livestock Auctioneers Lodge & Thomas. Most of the stock is purchased by local butchers and abattoirs ensuring that their customers are guaranteed some of the county’s finest beef and lamb for Christmas.
Farm produce
Farm Produce classes have always been a feature of the Truro Primestock Show with classes for Commercially Grown Vegetables, Hay & Silage, Grain and Roots. In more recent years a class for Supermarket Face Packs of 8 Cauliflower has been introduced and has proved popular with exhibitors.
Townspeople and members of the general public are always amazed at the size of the Flatpoll Cabbages and for many it is the first time they have seen Mangolds!
Young handlers
The Truro Primestock Show places great importance on encouraging our young people and each year we hold classes for Young Farmers’ Clubs and Young Handlers. During the day there are Points Judging and Beef Stock Judging Classes for members of the Cornwall Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs.
There has traditionally been a Young Handlers Competition where young people from our local farms show off their skills at handling beef and dairy calves. Unfortunately since 2015, we have temporarily stopped this competition due to the challenges faced by exhibitors in bringing individual calves to the show, in respect of TB restrictions.
Domestic Classes
The Truro Christmas & Produce Show would not be complete without its wonderful Domestic Section with tables and display stands adorned with floral art, handicraft, woodturning, cookery, honey and preserves, photography, eggs, fruit, vegetables and childrens’ handicraft. This section of the Show is always a great crowd puller especially now that the show has returned to the City Centre. Judging takes place at 9 am and the exhibits are open to the public as soon as judging has been completed. Remember – entrance to the Show is FREE.
Christmas Craft Fair
Each year on Friday, Saturday and Sunday following the Show, the Primestock Society organises a Craft & Food Fair in the Show Marquee, and even visit Father Christmas in his Grotto. This is an extremely popular event immediately following on from the Primestock Show and is perfectly timed for buying your Christmas gifts.
There are usually about 30 Craft Stands offering a wide range of goods including:
- Giftware, jewellery and greetings cards
- Ceramics, woodturning and blacksmithing Leather goods, kitchen textiles and childrens’ clothing
- Stained glass, candles, soaps etc Skincare, health and beauty products
- Paintings, prints and photography
- Cornish Food Hampers, confectionary, bakery and lots more!
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