2024 Show Results

The 2024 Truro Primestock Show Results will be posted here soon. Please check back later.

Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
1South Devon steer or heifer pure bred
Sponsored by Hotel Tresanton
O & C Penellum
Gail Ellis
Chance It
PS & AP Rowe
2Any pure or cross bred steer or heifer 100% British native breeding, excluding pure bred South Devon.
Sponsored by Hamblys Ltd & Kepak Group
AMC Eddy
SJ & SM Ward
A & A Pedrick
3Any cross bred steer or heifer sired by a British native breed.
Sponsored by Stephens Scown Solicitors
AMC Eddy
4Any pure or cross bred steer sired by non British native breed
Sponsored by Carter Jonas LLP & Coast2Coast Farm Vets
P & L Calcraft
Dark Horse
O & C Penellum
R A Symons
Top Notch
5Any pure or cross bred heifer, excluding pure bred South Devon
Sponsored by Graham Smith Chartered Accountants
O & C Penellum
AMC Eddy
P & L Calcraft
Upsy Daisy
6Best steer or heifer - never won 1st prize at Truro before
Sponsored by S C Nutrition Ltd & Philip Martin Estate Agent
PS & AP Rowe
PS & AP Rowe
A & A Pedrick
7Best pair of cattle of any breed or cross.
Sponsored by Acland Plant Hire Ltd & Excel Agri - Andy Hawken
PS & AP Rowe
Barbie & Kylie
A & A Pedrick
Mermaid & Divinia
8Best Local steer or heifer (Exhibitor bred)
Sponsored by Cornish Mutual & Hutchinsons Ltd
SJ & SM Ward
SJ & SM Ward
Besowsa Wayne
9Best Local steer or heifer (Non exhibitor bred)
Sponsored by Hendra Croft Farm & Tremore Dairy
O & C Penellum
O & C Penellum
Supreme Champion
Sponsored by The Nare Hotel
O & C Penellum
Reserve Champion
Sponsored by Tregothnan Estate
O & C Penellum
Local Champion
Sponsored by Lodge & Thomas
O & C Penellum
Reserve Local Champion
Sponsored by R J Trevarthen Ltd
O & C Penellum
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
10Best pen of 2 lambs of any weight or breed. Market ready - no show trimming, colouring or washing allowed
Sponsored by Mole Valley Farmers
Bob Coad A & A Pedrick Mrs G Renfree
11The best single butchers lamb, any breed, any weight
Sponsored by Mitchell & Webber & MA Grigg
Mrs G RenfreeA & A Pedrick Mrs G Renfree
12Pair of butchers lambs - 42kgs & under
Sponsored by Coodes Solicitors
P & L Calcraft Mrs G RenfreeA & A Pedrick
13Pair of butchers lambs - 42.1kgs to 48kgs
Sponsored by Harpers Home Mix & Vincents
P & L Calcraft Mrs G RenfreeA & A Pedrick
14Pair of butchers lambs - 48.1kgs and over
Sponsored by PKF Francis Clark
P & L Calcraft A & A PedrickA & A Pedrick
15Pair of butchers lambs, 100% native breeding - any weight
Sponsored by NFU Mutual Cornish Group Secretaries
Mrs G RenfreeMrs G Renfree
Supreme Champion Pair of Lambs
Sponsored by JC Harfoot Machinery & Rosettes of Quality
P & L Calcraft
Reserve Champion Pair of Lambs
Sponsored by Hamblys
Mrs G Renfree
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
16Best Single Dressed Lamb Carcass - Sired by a British Native Breed
Sponsored by
Mrs G RenfreeMrs G RenfreeAJ & AC Kingdon
17Best Single Dressed Lamb Carcass - Sired by a Continental Breed
Sponsored by
Mrs G RenfreeMrs G RenfreeBob Coad
Champion Lamb Carcass
Sponsored by
Mrs G Renfree
Reserve Champion Lamb Carcass
Sponsored by
Mrs G Renfree
Sponsored by Truro Farm Machinery
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
18Best meadow hayBryan Booty Dan Nattle CJ & PH George
19Best seeds hayNo entries
20Best sample of baled grass silageBryan Booty Dan NattlePeter Harris
21Best sample of clamp grass silageJohn HellerDan Nattle Peter Harris
22Best sample of maize silageJames ThomasJohn Heller Peter Harris
23Best sample of whole crop silageNo entries
Sponsored by Aqua-Source (SW) Ltd & Consols Oils
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
24WheatThe Shute Family Jed Tinney Elizabeth Eva
25OatsR Wimberley
26Barley (Winter)Kevin TripconeyJed Tinney Monty Bloomfield
27Barley (Spring)M Osborne R Collins & Son
28Field Peas or Beans or LupinsR Collins & Son The Shute Family
29A Harvest Sheaf of Corn (any type of grain)R Wimberley R Wimberley
30A Wafer of Straw No entries
Sponsored by ACT & Alan Snow Agricultural Engineers
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
31Three Mangolds (Globe or Intermediate)M Osborne
32Heaviest MangoldNo entries
33Three SwedesM Osborne
34Heaviest SwedeNo entries
35Three Fodder BeetAndrew Lawrence Richard DarkStephen Bosustow
36Heaviest Fodder BeetStephen Bosustow Andrew Lawrence Richard Dark
373 Stems of KaleRobert Prowse
Sponsored by FG Pryor & Son Ltd & Kernow Training
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
382 Heads CauliflowerRiviera Produce Meadowside NurseryIan Boase
39Supermarket Face Pack of Cauliflower (x8)Meadowside Nursery Gluvian Growers SH Hosking
402 Savoy CabbagesP Kingdon & Sons Riviera Produce SEF Ltd
412 Heads of Pointed CabbagesSEF LtdSEF LtdIan Boase
422 Stems of Curly KaleSEF LtdMeadowside Nursery Riviera Produce
432 Stems Brussel SproutsMeadowside Nursery
44Five White Potatoes (Any variety)JC & SR Collins JC & SR Collins
45Five Coloured Potatoes (Any variety)No entries
46Heaviest PotatoJC & SR Collins JC & SR Collins
47A collection of assorted vegetables in cardboard box approx 23" x 15" Meadowside Nursery Meadowside Nursery
48A 'Novelty' Naturally Shaped VegetableNo entries
Sponsored by Meadowside Nursery
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
49Three White Potatoes - any varietyMr J McCulloch
50Three Coloured Potatoes - any varietyNo entries
51Nine Potatoes in three varieties, namedNo entries
52Best Three OnionsMary Roberts Ian Boase
53Best Three CarrotsMr J McCulloch
54Best Six ShallotsNo entries
55Best Three Leeks (tops & roots untrimmed)Mr J McCulloch Ian Boase
56Best Three BeetrootMr J McCulloch
57Best Three ParsnipsNo entries
58Heaviest Quality OnionNo entries
59Best MarrowFlorence Edmond Freddie Edmond Henry Edmond
60Best PumpkinNo entries
61Heaviest PumpkinMichael Spenceley
62Five Fronds of ParsleyR & J Elliott
Sponsored by Meadowside Nursery
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
63Dish of 3 Culinary ApplesMary Roberts Mr J McCulloch
64Dish of 3 Dessert ApplesMr J McCulloch
Sponsored by Mr & Mrs Peter Thomas
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
653 Large Dark BrownRichard Hosking
663 Large WhiteRoger Thomas Richard Hosking Richard Hosking
673 Large Light BrownRichard Hosking Armorel Carlyon Richard Hosking
683 Large AOCRichard HoskingRichard Hosking Thomas Gwyn Preece
693 Bantam Dark BrownNo entries
703 Bantam WhiteNo entries
713 Bantam Light BrownRoger Thomas
723 Bantam AOCNo entries
731 Supreme LargeRichard Hosking Mrs J Colton Roger Thomas
741 Supreme BantamRoger Thomas Roger Thomas
753 WaterfowlRoger Thomas Richard Hosking Richard Hosking
761 Hen's Egg, contents onlyMrs J Colton Armorel Carlyon Mrs J Colton
Sponsored by Mrs SE Thomas-Weir
Class NoClass Name 1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
77Four White Splits (joined)Margaret Higgins Judith Nancarrow
78Four Yeast BunsMargaret Higgins Judith Nancarrow Sophie Goodwin
79Cornish Heavy Cake Mary Dale Jane Parker Deborah Eva
80Cornish Pasty Margaret Higgins
81Four Cornish Ginger Fairings Emma Carlyon Jane Parker Judith Nancarrow
82Four Mince Pies - shortcrust pastry Jane Parker Margaret HigginsAmy Pilsworth
83A Shortbread RoundJane Parker Daisy Hawkins Shirley Trewin
84Victoria Sandwich, raspberry jam filled Jane Parker Andy Brazier Helen Pearse
85Four Plain Scones Jane Parker Charlene PreeceElizabeth Eva
86An Iced Christmas Cake (not to be cut)Helen Anderson Jayne Sinclair Ben Bullen
87Orange & Coconut Cake - Set recipe Dorothy Edmond Jane Parker Shirley Trewin
88Four Cheese Straws (YFC members only)Senara Shute - St Mabyn YFCBradley Trewin - Roche YFC
89Four Christmas Decorated Cup cakes (YFC members only)Jess Thorpe - St Columb YFCCharlotte Edmond - Threemilestone YFCBradley Trewin - Roche YFC
90Quiche (YFC members only)Bradley Trewin - Roche YFC
91Four Decorated Digestive (bought) Biscuits - Childrens class - Age 4-7 yearsTom Charnley Lowenna Charnley Molly Brazier
92Four squares of Rocky Road - Childrens class - Age 8-11 years Isla Thomas Lorna Harris
93Four squares of Millionaire shortbread - Childrens class - Age 12-16 years Finlay Thomas Melody Shute Charlotte Edmond
Sponsored by Cornwall Countryside Supplies Ltd
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
94Jar of MincemeatSuzanne MitchellJane Parker
95Jar of JellySuzanne Mitchell Jane Parker Mavis Tiddy
96Jar of MarmaladeDan Nattle Mary Dale Jayne Sinclair
97Jar of JamSuzanne Mitchell Dan Nattle Roger Thomas
98Jar of Lemon CurdHelen Pearse Andy Brazier Jenny Osborne
99Jar of ChutneyElizabeth Knuckey Judith Nancarrow Rachel Selley
100Homemade Liqueur suitable for hipflaskHelen Harris Peter Davies Barbara Cackett
Sponsored by D May & Son Ltd
Class No Class Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
101'Stained Glass Windows'Kate Nicholls Elizabeth Knuckey Armorel Carlyon
102'Harvest Time'Kate Nicholls Armorel Carlyon Molly Thomas
103'Caught in the Act'Kate Nicholls Elizabeth Knuckey Tom Retallick
104'Beekeeping'Elizabeth Knuckey
105Party Time - Children's class Age 11-16No entries
Sponsored by Trewithen Estate
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
1062 Jars of Light Honey Judy Sargent
1072 Jars of Medium HoneyCarrie Sparrow Carrie Sparrow
1082 Jars of Dark HoneyNo entries
1092 Jars of Naturally Crystallised HoneyCarrie Sparrow
1102 Cartons of Cut Comb HoneyCarrie Sparrow
111Cake of BeeswaxCarrie Sparrow
1123 Beeswax Candles Judy Sargent Carrie Sparrow
1131 Jar of Honey to be judged on flavour aloneCarrie Sparrow Michael Grindley Judy Sargent
1141 Jar of Light, Medium or Dark honey - Novice ClassNo entries
Sponsored by Mrs P Williams
Class NoClass Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
115A Petite Exhibit - A Christmas Cake TopperJill Opie Margaret HallHelene Guojah
116A Christmas Candle ArrangementJill Opie Brenda Phillips Margaret Hall
117A Fresh Christmas WreathJill Opie Margaret Hall Elizabeth Eva
118A foliage arrangement Brenda Phillips Margaret Hall Helene Guojah
119A Christmas floral table decoration in a tin can - Children's Class Age 4-7 Mia Opie
120A Christmas floral table decoration in a tin can - Children's Class Age 8-11Daisy Brazier &
Fleur Opie-Bos
121A Christmas floral table decoration in a tin can - Children's Class Age 12-16Melody Shute
Sponsored by Mr T Burley
Class No Class Name1st Place2nd Place3rd Place
122Woodcarving - A SculptureRoger Gluyas Roger GluyasJane Indge
123Woodcarving - A ReliefRoger Gluyas PugwashRoger Gluyas
124Wood - Turned ArticleGeoff Osborne Geoff OsborneTim Sargent
125An Embroidered Item Armorel Carlyon Wendy McCulloch Emma Carlyon
126A Christmas Stocking No entries
127A handmade Toy Wendy McCulloch K Stokes Jackie Rush
128A Christmas Card Mavis Tiddy Wendy McCulloch Jess Thorpe
129'Promoting Cornish Wool' - Something Out of NothingCornwall Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers ECornwall Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers CCornwall Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers A
130A Soap Carving
(YFC members only)
Sophie Goodwin - St Columb YFC Bradley Trewin - Roche YFC
131A Decorated Phone case
(YFC members only)
Lauren Pilsworth - St Columb YFCBradley Trewin - Roche YFC
132A Christmas hanging decoration, suitable for a Christmas tree. Children's Class - Age 4-7Grace HarrisFlorence Edmond Tom Charnley
133A Christmas hanging decoration, suitable for a Christmas tree. Children's Class - Age 8-11Isla Thomas Lorna Harris Henry Edmond
134A Christmas hanging decoration, suitable for a Christmas tree. Children's Class - Age 12-16Finlay Thomas Melody Shute